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Frantic's femme fatale - interview with Chloe Leeks

Reported by benz / Submitted 23-08-06 17:46

Picture the scene. You’re standing in the middle of the main room at Hard House Academy, arms aloft, feeling the rush as Phil Reynolds drops another tough, euphoric bomb while the lasers and lights cascade over you. You’re thinking “ay, this is pretty wicked!” and grinning like a fool at the mayhem that ensues around you. These moments are often taken for granted though. Ever spared a thought for the hard working munchkins who spend months and months planning the event and making sure everything runs without a hitch on the night?

Chloe Leeks is one of the uber-hard-working people behind the success of the Frantic parties over the last 15 months. During the week, she’s pulling long hours in the office to help plan and organise the large scale events that Frantic stage, and at the events she’s running around like a blue-arsed fly, dealing with front-of-house and behind-the-scenes duties alike. She started working for Frantic back in June 2005 on a part-time basis — working in advertising for her main job — after having helped Wildchild with promoting their parties for some time.

It was the Wildchild and Frantic collaborative effort Future at Brixton Academy that first brought her into contact with Will Paterson’s brand. “Reece and Will needed someone organised to look after the backstage area at the event so decided to ask me if I would be up for it. I was thrilled and jumped at the chance. All went well and Will then gave me the opportunity of helping out with more work for Frantic including interviews and online promotion.”

Chloe’s enthusiasm and diligence paid off, and as time went on Will started giving her more and more work and responsibility to undertake – culminating in the offer of a full-time job in November of the same year. So what exactly does Chloe have to do to help ensure another mindblowing Frantic event?

The planning and preparation

There are a myriad of tasks to undertake when organising an event like Frantic’s 9th Birthday — a party that caters for over 2000 people, with 5 arenas and dozens of DJs. These can include anything from compiling guestlists (plural — free guestlists, paying guestlists, DJ guestlists, competition winners lists and so on), working on promotional material such as flyer design and making sure that details about the event are all over the internet and print press, liaising with venues and DJs, booking in extra sound, lighting and décor, taking care of the company accounts and keeping track of ticket sales. “There are lots of challenges that are thrown at you when running an event, especially when working on something such as Hard House Academy. Saying that though, it’s the best part of the job! It motivates you to work so much harder and consistently improve on what we are already doing.”

The work doesn’t stop there though, with Chloe working on 20 or more different projects at any one time. “Will and I not only work on the events, we also run UDJs looking after Andy Whitby, Cally Gage, Technikal and Greg Brookman. Then there is Evolution99, our PR and Events Promotion company which is continuing to grow every day. I have to constantly juggle what I’m doing. It’s definitely not a job for the faint hearted . . . it’s long hours and hard work!”

These aren’t events that are put together in a hurry though of course — especially now that there are only 6 or so Frantic events every year. This more streamlined approach has allowed for maximum effort and more careful planning to go into each event, rather than during the time when there was a Frantic event every other week and Will had virtually no time to sit back and take stock of the previous week’s event. “It all depends on the size of an event” says Chloe when asked about how much preparation goes into each event. “For example we have been working on Frantic 9 for over 4 months. Generally for smaller events we have a lead time of 6-8 weeks — that’s from concept to event.”

The preliminary stages in planning an event begin with the concept, the line-up, venue and most importantly the costs of an event. The next stage includes confirming the venue and all the DJs and live acts for the event, and then planning a full promotional campaign with flyers, eflyers, banner ads, and all manner of news items, interviews and features to appear on over 20 websites and several magazines. “Following on from here we have a team that work very hard to make sure that the event is promoted effectively on the internet and in the press whether this is by setting up listings to covering artists for interviews” she explains. “Whilst all this is going on there are various things that need to be administrated, for example making sure tickets are on sale with targeted outlets to physically getting tickets to sellers and into shops like Cyberdog.” It’s quite a mammoth task overall, with a hell of a lot to get sorted. With each event comes more experience however, and Chloe now takes the organisation of the Frantic events in her stride.

The day before the event presents a crucial moment to ensure that everything is ready and in order for the following night, and is sure to create a few headaches. “The day before a Frantic event I have a checklist of final bits that need to be done which includes promo material that needs to be taken to the event, finalising guest lists and printing. Some venues we work on do not have a till so we have an organised system to clearly keep an eye on how much money we take on the door to the number of people that actually come along to the event. You’ll generally see me turning up to an event with a box full of envelopes, wristbands, raffle tickets, guest lists and all sorts of other stuff!”

The hour cometh

The day of the event arrives, and once Chloe gets down to the venue she busies herself with making sure everything is in order. “On the night itself I will arrive and first off take a walk around the venue to check on everything. Final sound checks and production checks are all taken care of by our production team and the venue.” Instructing her other staff who will work with her on the night is of the utmost importance too — if they don’t know what’s going on and what they’re supposed to be doing, the whole organisation starts to break down and problems escalate. “We have a fantastic team of workers who help set up the event, getting up set time posters, posters for forthcoming events and any final décor that needs to go up. I then have my guest list staff and runners. All of whom I will spend time with before we open the doors to go over any final checks and make sure everyone has a clear understanding of how we will be working. As Frantic often has a new home for each event we always have to take the staff through everything including entrances, exits and rooms. I will then make sure I am introduced to security so I am fully aware of who will be where and so they are aware of any instructions we may have as the promoters.”

Once the doors open it’s all about getting the clubbers in as quickly as possible, ensuring that no-one is queuing for too long and that any problems get sorted immediately. “I will make payments throughout the night to DJs and keep an eye on everything happening across the evening. On the larger events sometimes it can be extremely stressful at times when you have about 10 different things to focus on and only one pair of hands! You have to think on your feet and beat the tiredness that always kicks in come around 3am and you know you still have 3-4 hours ahead of you.”

After all this hard work and stress is over though comes the real reward for Chloe — seeing all her hard work come to fruition and a sea of people all going nuts. “To stand on the stage at the end of the evening and soak up that atmosphere that you have spent weeks/months working on is an unbelievable feeling, you really can’t beat it. I can’t think of any other job I have has given me as much pride and passion.” Chloe seems to enjoy the challenge and stress that goes with running an event, and working with a good bunch of people definitely helps. “It is non-stop from start to finish, however the whole evening is a lot of fun. As mad as it sounds, I thrive on stress! My runners and guest list staff keep me smiling and laughing throughout the night.”

It’s not always plain sailing though. There’s nothing worse for a promoter than to turn up on the night and find out that there’s a problem with the sound, or that a DJ has had to cancel, or worse – for something to go majorly wrong during the course of the event. “The main problems that can sometimes occur are to do with production with sound cutting out momentarily.” There can also be stress caused by venues and their infrastructure, as Chloe discovered earlier this year. “I think the one big problem I have had so far was the afterparty at The Fridge after Supernova. Due to recent events at the venue the security search was extremely thorough, which meant we were faced with a massive amount of people waiting to get in. Eventually we got everyone in but it was hard going!” Keeping a cool head is paramount in such situations – and belying the “fiery red-head” stereotype, Chloe manages to sort such dramas out without losing the plot. “Hats off to the venue staff, production crew, sound crew, DJs and Frantic workers — without them the events simply wouldn’t work” she concludes.

The aftermath

While the thousands of people making up the Frantic crowd are nursing their Monday/Tuesday blues/hangovers, Chloe is busy looking over the success of the weekend and tying up the loose ends that need to be sorted in the days following a big event. “The following week is spent looking over costs and carefully making sure all payments have been made and all income received. Generally once the night has finished Will and I sit and look at the costs and can see instantly how the event has gone.” Feedback from clubbers and DJs is listened to, problems and pitfalls of the party are discussed, and before you know work has started on the next event, with an intention to keep making the events better and better on each occasion.

“There have been so many highlights since I started working for Frantic,” beams Chloe, “from the purchase of Hidden to launching the marketing company Evolution99 and starting up UDJs. With the events there have been so many that will stick in my memory including the Frantic Tour in 2005. It was loads of fun visiting new venues around the UK and checking out some great parties and not to mention the people! I’m still trying to learn that funny little twist that the Northerners have got going!” I believe it’s called the chicken dance Chloe? “Tranzmission is definitely up there as a highlight of 2006 — 10,000 people coming out to enjoy only the very best in the scene today. And of course it’s a highlight everyday to work with some of the most respected promoters and club owners in this industry; Will Paterson, Danny Newman, Damian Gelle and Anton Marmot. I’ve got to big up my boys in the office too . . . Marc French, the Turnmills lads, Mr Sedition DJs, Geordie, and of course you Benz! Jesus I feel like I should be collecting a gong!”

Of course all work and no play makes Jack (or Chloe) a dull boy (girl) — and so it’s not unusual to find Chloe gracing some of London’s more salacious dancefloor in the wee small hours of the mornings, letting her hair down after a long weekend’s work. “I think I’ll be saving some energy to pop into the afterparty once we have closed the doors on Frantic 9. Andy Whitby back to back Kevin Energy is going to be absolutely awesome!” And next time you’re losing it in the middle of the Frantic dancefloor, just remember — these things don’t happen by magic. It’s thanks to the hard work of people like Chloe that so many clubbers can enjoy Frantic’s events. Her’s is a vodka and coke in case you were wondering . . .

Photos courtesy of Daf, Paul Underhill and Chloe. Not to be reproduced without permission.

FRANTIC presents...9
Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Sunday 27th August 2006
At: Renaissance Rooms [map]

From: 21:00 - 06:00
Cost: ONLY 100 x £8+BF Early Bird Tickets on SALE NOW as we go back to the ticket price of the first ever Frantic on Aug15th 1997! These will SELL OUT in Hours! Saver Tickets £14+BF Standard Tickets £18+BF
Ticket Info: £8+BF Early Bird Tickets will SELL OUT in 24hrs!
Saver Tickets £14+BF
Standard Tickets will be £17+BF
More on the door.

Ticket Outlets:

24 Hour Credit/ Debit Card Hotline: Call 08700 600 100 or book online at

Cash Sales with a Group Discount of 1 FREE for Every 5 You Buy: NeverEnough Tickets Call Maria 07813 684 399

Credit/ Debit Card Hotline with a Group Discount of 1 FREE for Every 5 You Buy: Clubtickets: Call 0870 246 1840 or book online at

Cyberdog Camden Market: 020 7482 2842
Buy Online: Click here to buy tickets
More: Isn’t it time Hard House had its very own Festival?!

We think so and what better time to start than by celebrating Frantic's 9th Birthday at the venue Frantic is pioneering to be the new Camden Palace!

This is The HardFest!

Frantic 9 is making the Renaissance Rooms into a FESTIVAL! The Renaissance Rooms will have 5 Rave Arenas AND not 1 but 2 gigantic outdoor Arenas! This is London's biggest outdoor Rave Experience since the glory days of the 1990's!

Frantic 9's HardFest has an even bigger line up than Supernova or Tranzmission! As always OUR MUSIC MAKES US STRONGER! Where else can you see the NuChampions, the NuHeroes? As well as breaking new venues and creating the first Hard House Festival Frantic is leading the way in promoting new DJs! Where else will you see DJs doing something different, breaking the mould and rebuilding Hard House before your eyes?!

Official PreParty: Summit on Sundays @ Inigo in Clapham with Cally Gage and many more/ 1pm to 9pm!

MASSIVE FREE AFTERPARTY AT HIDDEN with Andy Whitby vs Kevin Energy and much, much more! Go to for more details!

Don’t forget Frantic 9 has ONE BIG SECRET!

Can you guess the Secret?

Email if you think you know the secret and you could win FREE Entry for you and 5 Friends and a chance to join Andy Whitby on his Ministry of Sound Radio Show for a live mix!
Region: London
Music: Hard Trance. Psy Trance. Nu NRG. Hi NRG. Hardcore. HardStyle. Hard House. Techno.
DJ's: Arena 1 - Main Arena

Audio Surgery LIVE! Organ Donors / Kutski /Alex Kidd!
Cally Gage Future Classics
Kevin Energy
Little Gem
Andy Rise v Nick Lodge

Arena 2 - Timeless

Captain Tinrib LIVE! Return to SuperFish Set!
Greg Brookman A.L.I.V.E. PA It's a Timeless thing!
Andy Whitby v Steve Hill
Mark EG
Lisa Pinup v Amber D
Phil Reynolds
Justin Bourne
Mark H v Shimmer
Benz v Gordon Darling

Arena 3 - Nu Religion

Digital Kid
K Complex
Lucy Fur
James Condon
Emma Dicey
Johny Favorite

Arena 4

Steve O'brady
HyperVixen v Steve Gillen
Matt Pickup v Nice Guy Danny
SmYrKy & Seraya
Clare Mclaren v Stevi D
Jason Blayde v Ben Skinner

Arena 5 – Filthy House & Electro Hosted by Subbass &

Eduardo Herrera
Graeme Lloyd
Gavin Bellis
Natasha Chamberlain b2b Andy Ceesford
Kevin Armet b2b Richard Rams
Bumpy & Bones

Who's Going? (242) : *cheeky chick*, *Ollie M*, *TWIRLY*, *VaNeSsA*, -David-, 2-shay, 2pint, 5*flash, acidmangakid, Ad78, adzket, ajay, Alan-Banks, Andy Rise, Andy T, anushka007, BakLash, Barleymow, Barry Harding, Batch, beagle, bennett, benz, Bex Bunny, bilbstar, Black, blondy9, Blue Secrets, BouncinBobs, Bouncyboots, Brucemclaren, budha, bullet head, Caitlin, Cally Gage, capeclubber, charlieveron, cheerio, ChiccaMates, chickenpie, chrisdstress, clactonmike, Claire99, Clare Mclaren, ClubCasualty, Col B, Colliewobbles, Controversial, Crackbaby Chris, Craig Luck, Crimson - Crazy Fool, Curruscu, cybernutter, damonureligion, dancingtinkerbell, dani d, DANIELLE_1, DanJ, Davey_Boy, DebB, Delbee, Digital Kid, dimitry, Dirty Little Stop Out, dirtyrascal, Disco Diva, Disco Kitten, Dj Brad Lee, DJ Zone, DJ-Eyeball, djcheekee, DJD4RK, djkeen, doodle, dori, Dr DUZZIT, DunkanB, Dé Daaan!!!, e99, ED_case, eduardo herrera, Elvis, Emma Dicey, Eva, Evil E, evilfathomer, Fausto Talone, freak-a-freak, fullah-sugah, George-E, Georgie-AKA-Vera, Getonit, Glyn Waters, Gordon Darley, gr8m8, Happygirl, Hard House Lady, hard_clubber19, HarderFaster Editorial, harry-pothead, Hayleycakes, Holly-Anna, hoopz, hostesslou, Hot Chips, HyperVixen, Hypnosis, IT, Jailson, Jason Blayde, jason-hills, Jateen, Jay55, Jazzy, Jenbongo, Jennie B, JEWELS, Jihad Joey, Jo and Mark N, Jowita, JP and Jukesy, JrRaveMonkey, Justin Normus, Justin Time, k-complex, K.A.R.L., k_devil, Kamora, karri, KennyKen, KetBoy, kethead, kevsey.d, kevster, kgirl, kimba_lee, KitKatClubKid, kittykat6, KJB414HHA, Korg, Laura1, Less is Bat, Lisa Porter, little gem, little red raving hood, Little-miss-SJ, Live 4 The Weekend, Lizzyglowworm, Lorenzo Barrero, Lovable_raver, Lozz, Lucy Fur, mad4music, madjojo, Maria, MARK H, MarkyMark, marlou, MARYS, Matt, mattpickup, Mea, Mich_elle, migs, Mike Harris, Mikeybabe, milenka, Mina, miniclubber, MISS AK, Miss Guided, miss mischa, Miss Pacman, missmanic, Missnaughty, Mizz_behavin, Moysey, mr crocodile, Mr_Sniffles, Neil Farnham, Neonpink, NICE_GUY_DANNY, Nicky D, Nicky Hype, NUMBERPLATEGIRL, nuttony, Outbreak, OutLander, Paul Batten, paul jack, philip linley, Pink_Princess, pixieness, PolysexualBex, POPGUY, Raf E, Rainy Raver, randomgayboi., ravechick, raverbabe, Raving frog, richbowenuk, Riff and Raff, RobB-Se9, rossy, Saint., Sam Fury, SAMSON, SEBASTIEN, Seraya, sexyminx, sh*tc*nt, Sioux, Smudge., SmYrKy, Sonic_chick_, Steve Gillen, Steve Maynard, Stevi D, stew, Stratus, suzy-q, Tall Stac, Tech-n-Trance, techno-bird, TheWorkman, tidyaddict_414_hha_ket, Timmy Whiz, Tina Martin, Tinks, TinyAngel, Tom69, treesa, Ugniukas, Vikki Ward, Vinylvybes, WEBBO, wide_eyed_raverbaby, xffx, Y, yvonnesexy, ziob 
HF Photographer: Crimson - Crazy Fool HF Reviewer:

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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: alan k on 23rd Aug 2006 20:12.23
well done chloe girl keep up the good work, say hello to amanda + will for me piece and love, Alan K

From: Daf on 23rd Aug 2006 22:47.29
I hardly deal with Will at all any more, it's all Chloe.
.... does he actually do anything these day ? Wink

From: Redrum on 24th Aug 2006 04:45.19
One of the hardest working people I have ever known yet always full of life. Well done Chloe X

From: X-Field on 24th Aug 2006 09:32.04
Nice interview with a lovely ladySmile

Too bad I can't make it to Frantic 9Frown

From: Jessica Rabbit on 24th Aug 2006 10:23.49
oooooh Chloe, your own interview!! well done you, hope everything's cool and hopefully see yous soon xxx

From: Pink_Princess on 24th Aug 2006 10:50.31
Great interview from a lovely lady! Heartbeat Heartbeat

From: Wicked sister on 24th Aug 2006 11:12.40
Chloe! Respect, hun. It's good for us, clubbers, to know that those things don't really come easy! Can't wait to go to the next Frantic party (whenever that will be, cos i can't make it to Frantic 9 either).
xxx Elena

From: Jennie B on 24th Aug 2006 11:19.34
nice one chloeHeartbeatThumbs up

From: dirtyrascal on 24th Aug 2006 12:52.10
Ah, thanks troops! Muchos Leeky Love. See some of you Sunday. xx

From: Cally Gage on 24th Aug 2006 13:13.05
Fantastic interview babe, it's nice to see how much hard work does go into all the fantastic events that you guys put on.

Thank you for all the hardwork with the agency too - you are an absolute star and I appreciate everything you do!

See you soon chick,


From: Daf on 24th Aug 2006 13:45.35
Quite a nice inrormative read actually - nice to get an insight of the kind of work that goes into putting a big night on.

From: Karl Schmidt on 24th Aug 2006 14:05.55
Ah Choe you little bundle of energy!

Wicked interview babe, you're the coolest thing since surfing!

Miss you stacks and keep up the good work!!


From: Dj Brad Lee on 24th Aug 2006 14:13.03
Wicked interview babe..about time you get one so people know how much time and effort you put into all the wicked events you guys put on.....Its a pleasure to work for you aswell.

Lots of Love!!!

From: James Nardi on 24th Aug 2006 15:31.38
Great read, looking forward to working with you. Smile

From: *cheeky chick* on 24th Aug 2006 19:56.47
nice one Chloe,see you sunday Mmmwwah!

From: Maria on 24th Aug 2006 20:48.18
Always a pleasure to work with you! Love ya! See you over the "phat" weekend! mmmwwwhhhaaaaa

From: Lisa B on 25th Aug 2006 15:43.18
Wicked Interview Chloe! Best of luck for the future hun xx

From: Andy Rise on 25th Aug 2006 16:38.23
All credit chloe, your a busy bunny. And you definatly need to learn the northern twist haha, see ya on sunday hun Smile

From: Boy_Racer on 27th Aug 2006 01:33.39
Top notch girl, hardworking, still smiling even in the most stressful times, keep up the good work!!!

From: Saint. on 27th Aug 2006 14:11.48
Yes Chloe! Much love.


From: JC-TAKTIKAL on 28th Aug 2006 16:09.09
Love this lady! Hardest worker in dance and wicked person to boot xx

From: Batch on 29th Aug 2006 11:57.22
Nice one Chloe... Thanks for all your help...


mwah! x x x

From: Stevi D on 29th Aug 2006 15:46.48
Shes one of a kind!!! Top lady, most helpful at all times and never a dull moment. Mmmmmmmmmwahxxxx

From: Claire99 on 21st Sep 2006 11:03.16
Great read, nice to have a deeper insight into how its done! no rest for the wicked ay! keep up the good work xx

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